More Idaho Cities Riding the Clean Energy Wave

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A Success Story Waiting To Happen: Financing Retrofits For All


Video: Council approves new Northwest Power Plan


Wash. Governor approves Kittitas wind project

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San Francisco to finance energy efficiency upgrades; Washington state to follow?

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Grow Green Idaho Jobs Act is first energy bill of the legislative session


Facing the Challenge Together: Protecting the Environment This Legislative Session


Coalition TV Efficiency Bill in the news

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The Transformer – A bridge to somewhere? Natural gas, LNG and our clean energy future

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Proposed energy code changes would hike Washington state building efficiency 20%

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Energy Activist chronicles Power Council's 6th Plan hearings

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Coalition weighs in on TransAlta mercury settlement

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6th Plan hearings a huge success, but the process continues


Energy Matters Update: Make the 6th Northwest Power and Conservation Plan a roadmap to a coal-free, clean energy future


State Provincial Caucus Updates – August 2009 Aug 26, 2009


Energy Activist – Summer 2008

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Bright Future in the news
