Video & Audio
Markets 101 webinar: recording & slides
On February 15, 2023, the NW Energy Coalition and Renewable Northwest hosted a Markets 101 webinar to discuss the importance of regional electricity markets. The webinar was attended by more than 80 people from across the Northwest. Below you can find a link to the recording of the webinar as well as the slides. You…
Read MoreA decade under Initiative 937 yields new jobs, new industries, and affordable electricity
Good energy and environmental policy is also good economic policy. That’s the message of a new video collection produced by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), Renewable Northwest, and the NW Energy Coalition. The lead five-minute video explores how Washington’s clean energy landscape has blossomed since Initiative 937 was enacted in 2007. With sections devoted…
Read MorePay for Performance Workshop materials now available
The Pay for Performance workshop explored the promise of metered energy savings by engaging experts and practitioners to discuss the current state of whole-building energy efficiency and the emergence of new opportunities and new tools as we enter the era of M&V 2.0.
Read MoreRoadmap for Integrating Renewables: Fundamentals for Power Systems Relying Primarily on Renewable Energy
In an October 5, 2016 workshop attended by utility executives, regulators, educators, and clean-energy advocates, Ken Dragoon of Flink Energy, takes his audience through the basics of electricity generation, storage, and management and then shows how emerging techniques can be used by utilities to integrate wind and solar into their power systems.
Read MoreVideo: Flathead Electric making use of solar, biomass projects
Flathead Electric Co-op and Stoltze lumber have entered into a 20 year deal to supplement some of FEC’s electricity with power generated from a new biomass boiler.
KPAX has the story of a couple of other projects the co-op is working on which could mean big things for power production in the future…
Read MoreEnergy Efficiency Brownbag Lunch- A special presentation on residential energy efficiency
The Coalition convened a panel of experts to update us on their energy efficiency programs in the Puget Sound area. What’s working? What motivates people to be interested in energy efficiency? What are the barriers to investing in efficiency retrofits? How does alternative financing play a role? Hear from panelists on these and many other topics…
Read MoreThe Impact reports on the Clean Energy Initiative debate
Coalition Policy Director Nancy Hirsh is featured in this video segment looking at the current roster of proposed changes to Washington’s Clean Energy Initiative. %CODE1%
Read MoreCommissioner Ken Toole Keynote Address
Commissioner Ken Toole of the Montana Public Service Commission gives the Keynote Address at the 2010 Spring conference in Missoula, MT.
Read MoreMember Organization Profile – Moontown Foundation
Watch our video profile of Coalition member Moontown Foundation.
Read MoreKeynote Address from Congressman Earl Blumenauer
Congressman Earl Blumenauer of Oergon gives the keynote address at the 2008 NW Energy Coalition Fall Conference in Portland, OR on December 5.
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