Renewable Energy
Agreement sets a path to recover salmon and develop new Tribally led clean energy
On December 14, 2023, a historic agreement was announced by the White House, four Columbia Basin Tribal Nations (Nez Perce, Yakama, Warm Springs, and Umatilla Tribes) and the states of Oregon and Washington, to protect endangered salmon and steelhead on the Columbia River Basin and honor Tribal treaty rights. An important component of the agreement centers…
Read MoreCustomer-side resources will be critical as rising electricity demand, extreme weather and climate change impact the Northwest power system
In January 2024, extreme cold descended on the Northwest, causing a significant spike in electricity demand. At the same time, there were serious challenges for energy supplies across the region. But first and foremost, we want to acknowledge those personally affected by the severe weather and send a heartfelt thank you to all the utility…
Read MoreA Single, Unified Western Market
Bonneville Power Administration has a key role The West is in the midst of determining how to structure itself into electricity markets, with significant implications for utilities, customers, and the future of a clean, equitable, and affordable western grid. Electricity markets can coordinate and optimize the electricity grid, creating a system that is more reliable,…
Read MoreWestern Market Benefits to the Northwest
The West is in the midst of determining how to structure itself into electricity markets, with significant implications for utilities, customers, and the future of a clean, equitable, and affordable western grid. Electricity markets can coordinate and optimize the electricity grid, creating a system that is more reliable, can transition to clean energy faster, and…
Read MoreGovernment electricity procurement should kickstart the next wave of clean energy investments in the Northwest
The Northwest is leading the way towards a decarbonized energy system in the US. To meet new and growing electricity demand, we must build on the foundation of our hydropower system with the next generation of clean and renewable energy resources. Accelerating the development of new, non-hydro renewable energy and storage resources can decrease pressure…
Read MoreModernize the Bonneville Power Administration
Markets Month: Part 3
Welcome to Markets Month! Since mid-May, we’ve been publishing a multipart series about electricity markets in the Northwest. We hope to cover the basics and keep you up to date on the processes occurring in the region to develop an integrated western electricity market system. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the series. …
Read MoreMarkets Month: Part 2
Welcome to Markets Month! Over the course of the next month or so we’ll be publishing a multipart series about electricity markets in the Northwest. We hope to cover the basics and keep you up to date on the processes occurring in the region to develop an integrated western electricity market system. Part 2: Developments…
Read MoreMarkets Month: Part 1
Welcome to Markets Month! Over the course of the next month or so we’ll be publishing a multipart series about electricity markets in the Northwest. We hope to cover the basics and keep you up to date on the processes occurring in the region to develop an integrated western electricity market system. Part 1: What…
Read MoreFlexible demand webinar explores potential of customer-side technologies as an energy resource
Welcome to a conversation with Geoff Wickes, Jeff Harris, Conrad Eustis, and Tony Koch about how grid-integrated water heaters and other customer-side technologies can contribute to electric system efficiency and reduce the need for additional generations resources. The session runs about 90 minutes. It was recorded on July 1st, 2020. The moderator is Fred Heutte,…
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