Press release: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approves the design of Markets+; BPA should recognize that Extended Day Ahead Market is the best choice for the region
For Immediate Release Thursday, January 16, 2025 Seattle – On Thursday morning, January 16, 2025, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the design of Markets+, one of two day-ahead markets being developed in the west. The FERC decision is just one procedural step as the Bonneville Power Administration and Northwest utilities continue to review the…
Read MoreListen: Briefing on Day-Ahead Market Participation Benefits Study – Focus on Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) System Impacts Webinar
Pathways Initiative’s Step One Proposal for Governance of a West-Wide Energy Market
A single, unified energy market in the West is essential to unlock the clean energy resource potential of the West, enable efficient use of our infrastructure, and maintain a reliable and affordable energy system. The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative is a collaborative, multi-step effort to create this connected, independently governed Western energy market, as discussed…
Read MorePathways Initiative addresses the key challenge to a West-wide electricity market
This blog post discusses the latest developments in creating a single, unified West-wide market – essential for keeping rates affordable, improving reliability, and meeting our clean energy and decarbonization goals. For an introduction to energy markets, we highly recommend checking out our Markets Month series (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). Pathways Initiative addresses…
Read MoreMarkets 101 webinar: recording & slides
On February 15, 2023, the NW Energy Coalition and Renewable Northwest hosted a Markets 101 webinar to discuss the importance of regional electricity markets. The webinar was attended by more than 80 people from across the Northwest. Below you can find a link to the recording of the webinar as well as the slides. You…
Read MoreMarkets 101 Webinar – February 15, 2023
Presented by: NW Energy Coalition & Renewable Northwest February 15, 2023 12-2pm PT Register here. Join NW Energy Coalition and Renewable Northwest for a virtual 101 discussion about the importance of regional electricity markets. At a high level, expert panelists will give an overview of why markets are important for: With several market options on…
Read MoreMarkets Month: Part 3
Welcome to Markets Month! Since mid-May, we’ve been publishing a multipart series about electricity markets in the Northwest. We hope to cover the basics and keep you up to date on the processes occurring in the region to develop an integrated western electricity market system. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the series. …
Read MoreMarkets Month: Part 2
Welcome to Markets Month! Over the course of the next month or so we’ll be publishing a multipart series about electricity markets in the Northwest. We hope to cover the basics and keep you up to date on the processes occurring in the region to develop an integrated western electricity market system. Part 2: Developments…
Read MoreMarkets Month: Part 1
Welcome to Markets Month! Over the course of the next month or so we’ll be publishing a multipart series about electricity markets in the Northwest. We hope to cover the basics and keep you up to date on the processes occurring in the region to develop an integrated western electricity market system. Part 1: What…
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