Pay for Performance Workshop materials now available
The NW Energy Coalition
Pay for Performance Energy Efficiency Workshop
Held on October 24, 2016 at the Washington Department of Commerce
The Pay for Performance workshop explored the promise of metered energy savings by engaging experts and practitioners to discuss the current state of whole-building energy efficiency and the emergence of new opportunities and new tools as we enter the era of M&V 2.0.
1. Pay for Performance: A different approach to incentives (Stan Price, Northwest Energy Efficiency Council)
Stan compares Pay for Performance to traditional efficiency incentive approaches and discusses advantages and challenges.
2. M&V for Pay for Performance Approaches: Updates, Resources, and New Developments (David Jump, Ph.D., P.E. , kW Engineering)
David discusses the practice of measurement and verification and its accompanying risks. Then he describes the emerging world of M&V 2.0 and the tools and applications that are driving it forward.
3. Seattle Performance-based Pilots (Lori Moen & Dave Rodenhizer, Seattle City Light)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Lori and Dave summarize the findings of five Seattle PFP pilot projects ranging from historic multi-family and commercial properties to modern commercial properties.
4. Pay for Performance – Commercial (Sam Walker, Energy Trust of Oregon)
Sam describes the 1000 Broadway Building Pay for Performance pilot program in Portland, Oregon and its planned expansion in 2017 to additional commercial properties.
5. M&V Insights from the Field: Whole Building and Bottom Up (Chris Smith & Kevin Campbell, Energy 350)
Chris and Kevin provide an engineer’s ground-level view of the challenges associated with assessing, modeling, upgrading, and ultimately optimizing energy efficiency using a whole-building approach
6. M&V 2.0 Modern Measurement: Residential Case Studies (Jake Oster, EnergySavvy)
Jake draws discusses M&V methodology as it relates to residential properties and draws on case studies from around the nation to describe how M&V 2.0 can support incentive-based energy efficiency for residential neighborhoods.
7. Metered Energy Efficiency: A new Path to Deep Energy Retrofits (Rob Harmon, MEETS Coalition)
Rob presents a financing and transactional model that tackles the challenge of providing effective energy efficiency incentives for investors, service providers, building owners, utilities, and building tenants.