RAP updates classic guide to U.S. electricity regulation
The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), a non-profit dedicated to a clean, reliable and energy efficient energy future, has re-released its expert handbook, Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide.
Newly addressed in this edition is integrated distribution system planning, a complete approach to meeting distribution needs through grid modernization. The updated handbook also includes a new chapter on renewable energy, and takes a closer look at regulatory system treatment of environmental compliance costs.
The new version updates and expands upon several important topics from the first handbook, including industry structure, ratemaking, transmission planning, energy efficiency, emissions and low-income programs. It significantly expands the section on rate regulation fundamentals to address issues related to the smart grid and other technological developments as well as the growth in distributed renewable generation.
The handbook is designed to be useful for new and experienced regulators, rate-case participants and regulatory staffers by providing an overview of the electric power industry and how it is regulated in the United States.
This and many other RAP reports and presentations may be found at RAP’s online knowledge center.