Coalition member group Seinergy reaches milestone
One of the NW Energy Coalition’s newest members, Seinergy, based in Washington state has reached one million kWh of documented energy savings.
PRESS RELEASE :: Seinergy’s database reached one million kWh* of documented energy savings this month, marking a milestone for the fledgling efficiency aggregator company. These savings represent voluntary upgrades in residential homes throughout western Washington. Some savings have been claimed by participating utilities to satisfy state conservation mandates.
Seinergy identifies and documents energy efficiency savings–a departure from the incentive-based model in existence since the early 1980s. Last June, the Department of Commerce issued an advisory opinion to Seinergy affirming that utilities do not need direct involvement (incentives or otherwise) for savings claimed under WA State’s conservation mandate.
In 2013, Seinergy ran pilots with two Public Utility Districts in Washington State to validate the existence of qualified savings and test the business model. Clallam County PUD and Snohomish County PUD were the first to pioneer with Seinergy and the results are promising. “We were surprised to see more insulation jobs being done outside of our programs” says Mattias Jarvegren, Energy Analyst II with Clallam County PUD.
To read about one penny per kWh savings, $20-40 million of annual conservation spoilage, non-energy benefits of data, and more click here.