ACT NOW: Tell the Biden administration we need a plan to recover salmon
On May 4, the Biden administration launched a public comment period to gather feedback on Columbia River salmon and other native fish restoration.
Join supporters from across the country and tell the Biden administration that breaching the four lower Snake River dams—and replacing the services they provide—must be a part of a comprehensive solution that brings endangered salmon, steelhead, and orca back to abundance and upholds the federal government’s legally-binding commitments to Northwest Tribal Nations.
A recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) report concluded that breaching the lower Snake River dams is “essential” and must be a “centerpiece action” to recover endangered Columbia River salmon and steelhead. Multiple analyses, including two commissioned by the NW Energy Coalition, have shown that we can replace the energy services of the lower Snake River dams with affordable and reliable clean energy.
The Biden administration must use the best available science and build off of the strong foundation laid by Senator Patty Murray (WA-D), Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Representative Mike Simpson (ID-R) and others to develop a comprehensive plan for salmon recovery—before it’s too late.
Help us reach 10,000 public comments.
“Thank you for the opportunity to submit a comment on the state of Columbia River salmon and other native fish. The science is clear: climate change, compounded by the impacts of the dams, is accelerating the risk of extinction by raising river temperatures well above lethal levels, killing endangered salmon and steelhead and leaving orcas without food.
The Biden administration must build off of the strong foundation laid by Senator Patty Murray (WA-D), Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Representative Mike Simpson (ID-R) and others. We urgently call for a comprehensive plan and process for Columbia Basin salmon recovery that:
– Acknowledges the urgent need to recover abundant and healthy salmon populations as stated by the Columbia Basin Partnership and NOAA’s Rebuilding Report and commits to an expedited timeline.
– Clearly outlines a path that can lead to breaching the lower Snake River dams, provide fish passage into blocked areas, reintroduce salmon in the upper Columbia River, and fund habitat restoration work throughout the Columbia River Basin.
– Commits to immediate actions to replace the services the dams currently provide with salmon-friendly options (energy, transportation, irrigation).
– Commits to producing by Fall 2024 a supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Biological Opinion, and record of decision to meet the Biden Administration’s commitments and restore healthy, abundant salmon.
– Upholds the federal government’s legally-binding commitments to Northwest Tribal Nations and honors the promises made to them in treaties, trusts, and other responsibilities.
We must act quickly and decisively, before Northwest salmon and steelhead are lost forever.
[Your name]”
If you have any questions or would like support, please email