Policy Archives
Proposed Avista Acquisition Settlement Protects Consumers and Environment
The NW Energy Coalition, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Renewable Northwest joined a proposed settlement today that, if approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, would provide Ontario-based Hydro One with the green light from Washington State to acquire Avista Utilities. The settlement contains important commitments in the areas of low-income weatherization, energy…
Read MoreBudget bill a pleasant surprise for clean energy and the environment
To the relief of energy and environmental advocates, the U.S. House and Senate have come to an agreement on an omnibus spending bill that will preserve and, in some cases, increase funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs many of which were targeted for cuts in the Trump administration’s proposed budget. Examples include: ·…
Read MoreEnergy Efficiency bills advance in Oregon and Washington
With so much focus on the plunging cost of solar power, wind power, and now storage as well, it’s sometimes hard to remember that energy efficiency is still our most const-effective and production alternative energy resource, accounting for nearly 40% of all the carbon emission reductions we’ve achieved in the last decade. That’s why it’s…
Read MoreOregon Department of Energy incentive programs sunsetting and moving
The end of the year will see bring a close to three Oregon energy incentive programs include the popular Residential Energy Tax Credit (RETC). Meanwhile, three other programs will move to other state agencies. These include two new programs — the Zero Emissions Vehicle Rebate Program, which will be administered by the Department of Environmental…
Read MoreNatural Gas, Utility Biz Model Reform, & Just Transition at the Fall 2017 Clean & Affordable Energy Conference
The Fall 2017 Clean & Affordable Energy Conference was held on Thursday, November 2nd at the Seattle Hilton. More than 200 attendees gathered to explore issues related to energy, climate, and just transition and to network with colleagues from industry, advocacy organizations, and government. The following is a digest of the conference’s three major sessions…
Read MoreRocky II: What are we doing to our salmon?
“Everything we’re doing to replace vanishing salmon might be killing them off faster” In this installment in his series of the challenge of restoring fish populations in the Columbia and Snake Rivers, Idaho Statesman reporter, Rocky Barker, explores the many ways in which the US Army Corps of Engineers has tried to bring salmon back.…
Read MoreWithout the dams would salmon populations recover?
“Remove 4 dams, leave these fish alone, and they may be able to replenish themselves” Idaho Statesman reporter, Rocky Barker, continues his series on the question of how salmon and steelhead populations can be restored and the energy generation, economic, cultural, and agricultural implications of various proposed solutions, including the removal of the four lower…
Read MoreAsk your Oregon legislator to support home energy efficiency tax credits
OREGON NEEDS ENERGY EFFICIENCY. CALL OR EMAIL YOUR LEGISLATORS TODAY! Key House bill includes Home Solar incentives, but Energy Efficiency still needs to be added We have a new and perhaps final chance in this legislative session to assure that Oregon will continue to offer home energy efficiency tax credits to go along with home solar incentives.…
Read MoreNW Energy Coalition hopes BPA will reverse intertie rate recommendation
Montana intertie rate is a barrier to renewable energy, growth, and jobs Seattle, Washington — Yesterday, as part of its 2018 rate recommendation, the Bonneville Power Administration announced its desire to retain the Montana Intertie transmission rate. The $2 per MWh charge, which applies to a 90-mile section of power lines between Townsend and Garrison, Montana,…
Read MoreThe Trump budget’s misguided energy policy
A harmful abdication of federal responsibility. Clean, reliable, and affordable energy isn’t just an economic imperative, it’s an environmental and human imperative as well. That’s why the deep and far-reaching cuts announced yesterday in the Trump administration’s expanded federal budget proposal would be, if enacted, unusually destructive. A list of just some of the cuts…
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