NWEC spring conference to feature energy efficiency panel

Join us for the NW Energy Coalition’s

NW Clean & Affordable Energy Conference

May 2-3 in Helena


Register online today!


Please join us May 2-3 at the NW Clean & Affordable Energy Conference in Helena, Mont. Top energy experts from across the Northwest will address some of our region’s most pressing energy issues. This is your chance to network with policy leaders, decision-makers, clean energy activists, Coalition members and allies.

Northwest Power & Conservation Council Member Pat Smith of Montana will provide the keynote address.  Other speakers and panelists will discuss topics such as Montana’s energy export future, regional  challenges and opportunities for achieving energy efficiency, and proposed EPA emissions standards for existing power plants.

Featured Panel: Energy Efficiency in the Northwest  

One of panels at the Helena conference will address the challenges and opportunities for increasing energy efficiency in the Northwest.  Energy efficiency is now the second-largest resource used to meet customer electricity needs, and meeting all new electricity needs with energy savings is within reach.  But troubling clouds are on the horizon. This panel will discuss:

  • The challenges faced by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance as it expands its market transformation efforts while empowering local utilities in partnership.
  • The development of the regional conservation potential assessment as part of the Council’s 7th Power Plan.
  • The worrisome lack of enthusiasm and budget for energy efficiency at the Bonneville Power Administration.

Register online today!


Stay tuned for updates on our other panels.  Please visit our conference webpage for the agenda, registration and lodging information.  Scholarship opportunities are available, please contact alison@nwenergy.org.