NW Energy Coalition conference to feature consumer protection panel
Please join us for the NW Clean & Affordable Energy Conference Nov. 7-8 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Portland, Ore. Top energy experts from across the Northwest will address some of the region’s most pressing energy issues. This is your chance to network with policy leaders, decision-makers, clean energy activists, Coalition members and allies.
Featured panel: As off-grid energy investments become more prevalent, who will regulate them and how can we protect consumers?
As new financing models, such as third-party leasing, draw marketers into the solar arena, policymakers must ensure that consumers receive reliable products at reasonable terms and utilities account for the full value of the distributed generation. The consumer protection at the grid edge panel will look at safeguarding home and business owners’ off-grid energy investments and preventing potential rate and bill increases for customers – especially low-income families – who remain on the grid.
Please join us at the Crowne Plaza at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7, for the Founding the Future Gala. Clean energy supporters will enjoy a delicious plated dinner, drinks and great conversation while honoring the many Coalition founders and welcoming tomorrow’s leaders. Tickets: $125 per person. Would you like to be a table captain or sponsor? Contact Kat Plimpton at gala@nwenergy.org.
Register today!
Special thanks to our conference sponsors!