Inslee appoints Hirsh to chair energy advisory committee

Washington Governor Jay Inslee has appointed NW Energy Coalition Executive Director, Nancy Hirsh, to co-chair a 27-member advisory committee to guide an update to the state energy strategy.  The committee’s charge is to identify policies and actions to ensure competitive energy prices, foster a clean energy economy, and ensure the state meets its greenhouse gas reduction goals.  Formed in response to the 2019 Clean Energy Transformation Act, which calls for 100% clean energy in Washington by 2045, the committee will be co-chaired by Reeves Clippard, CEO of A&R Solar.  Members include representatives of utilities, industry, local government, tribes, labor unions, civic organizations representing vulnerable communities, environmental organizations, and government officials and legislators.

The Washington Department of Commerce maintains a 2021 State Energy Strategy web page where the committee’s activities can be followed.  All committee meetings are open to the public.  Members of the committee include:

George Caan, executive director, Washington Public Utility Districts Association

Jason Campbell, chief executive officer, Sovereign Power

Sen. Reuven Carlyle, chair Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee

Reeves Clippard, chief executive officer, A&R Solar

Dave Danner, chair, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission

Rep. Beth Doglio, Member House Environment & Energy Committee

Kathleen Drew, chair, Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council

Will Einstein, director of product development and growth, Puget Sound Energy

Martin Gibbins, water issues chair, Lobby Team, League of Women Voters

Deric Gruen, program director, Front and Centered

Matt Harris, director of government affairs and assistant executive director, Washington State Potato Commission

Nancy Hirsh, executive director, NW Energy Coalition

Nicole Hughes, executive director, Renewable Northwest

Paul Jewell, policy director, Washington State Association of Counties

Dan Kirschner, executive director, Northwest Gas Association

Kent Lopez, ‎general manager, Washington Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Bruce Martin, energy resource manager, WestRock Tacoma

Patrick Oshie, member, Northwest Power and Conservation Council

Clay Norris, power management manager, Tacoma Power

Rebecca Ponzio, Climate & Fossil Fuel Program director, Washington Environmental Council

Chris Roe, senior operations manager, Amazon

Sen. Tim Sheldon, Member, Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee

Jessica Spiegel, director, Northwest Region, Western States Petroleum Association

Dan Wilson, president, Local 338 United Steelworkers

Rep. Alex Ybarra, Washington State Legislature

Two additional members representing cities and natural gas distribution companies are still to be named.