ACEEE | American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (often referred to as "AC-triple-E") | |
AERO | Alternative Energy Resources Organization | |
aMW | Average megawatt, or the amount of energy represented by 1 megawatt (MW) used or generated for a whole year. | |
ASE | Alliance to Save Energy | |
ATNI | Affilitated Tribes of Northwest Indians | |
AWEA | American Wind Energy Association | |
AWEC | Alliance Of Western Energy Consumers | |
B2H | Boardman to Hemmingway (transmission line) | |
BBP | Byrd Barr Place | |
BEF | Bonneville Environmental Foundation | |
BEV | Battery Electric Vehicle | |
BGA | BlueGreen Alliance | |
BiOp | Biological Opinion (issued by federal agencies under the Endangered Species Act) | |
BIPOC | Black Indigenous and People of Color | |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management | |
BPA | Bonneville Power Administration | |
BPC | Building Performance Center (at the Opportunity Council in Bellingham) | |
Btu | British thermal unit | |
C-PACER | Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy and Resilience | |
C&I | Commercial & Industrial | |
CAA | Community action agency | |
CAC | Community Action Center (of Whitman County) | |
CAISO | California Independent System Operator | |
CAP | Community action program | |
CBSA | Commercial Building Stock Assessment | |
CCA | Community choice aggregation | |
CCC | Coalition of Communities of Color (Oregon) | |
CEAP | Clean Energy Action Plan | |
CEIP | Clean Energy Implementation Plan | |
CEP | Community Energy Project | |
CETA | Clean Energy Transformation Act (Washington State) | |
CEWO | Clean Energy Works Oregon | |
CFL | Compact fluorescent light/lamp | |
CHP | Combined heat and power (cogeneration) | |
CNG | Cascade Natural Gas | |
Co-op | Cooperative (utility) | |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide | |
COU | Consumer-owned utility | |
CPP | Critical peak period | |
CRAG | Conservation Resources Advisory Group | |
CRITFC | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (an organization representing the four 1855 treaty tribes that have rights to Columbia River fishing) | |
CRSO | Columbia River Systems Operations | |
CS | Climate Solutions | |
CUB | Citizens' Utility Board (of Oregon) | |
CVR | Conservation voltage reduction (a type of energy efficiency for distribution lines) | |
DCFC | Direct Current Fast Charger. Fastest electric vehicle charging level. | |
DER | Distributed Energy Resource | |
DNR | Department of Natural Resources (WA) | |
DNRC | Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (Mont.) | |
DOE | US Department of Energy | |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy | |
DR | Demand Response | |
DRP | Distribution Resource Planning | |
DSI | Direct service industry | |
DSM | Demand-side management (sometimes used to refer to all conservation measures, but more often used to indicate interruptible power arrangements to deal with peak use) | |
DSP | Distribution System Planning | |
DVR | Distribution Voltage Regulation (similar to CVR but only activate during peak demand periods) | |
EDAM | Extended Day Ahead Market (proposed addition to EIM) | |
EE | Energy Efficiency | |
EEaS | Energy Efficiency as a Service | |
EERS | Energy efficiency resource standard | |
EFSC | Energy Facility Siting Council (Oregon) | |
EFSEC | Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (Washington State) | |
EIA | Energy Information Administration (US) | |
EIM | Energy imbalance market (operated by CAISO, including most western utilities) | |
EITEs | "energy-intensive, trade-exposed" industries | |
EIS | Environmental impact statement | |
EM&V | Evaluation, measurement and verification | |
EMO | Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon | |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency (US) | |
EPS | Emissions performance standard | |
EPUD | Emerald People’s Utility District (Lane County, Ore.) | |
ERWH | Electric Resistance Water Heater | |
ESA | Endangered Species Act | |
ESCO | Energy service company | |
ETO | Energy Trust of Oregon | |
EULR | End Use Load Research | |
EV | Electric Vehicle | |
EVSE | Electric Vehicle Suppy Equipment | |
EVSP | Electric Vehicle Service Provider | |
EWEB | Eugene Water and Electric Board (Ore.) | |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | |
GHG | Greenhouse gas | |
Gigawatt (GW) | One billion watts; 1 million kW; 1000 MW | |
Gigawatt hour (GWh) | One billion watt hours; 1 million kWh; 1000 MWh | |
GRC | General rate case | |
HDV | Heavy Duty Vehicle | |
HPWH | Heat Pump Water Heater | |
HRC | Human Resource Council | |
HVAC | Heating, ventilation and air conditioning | |
ICE | Internal Combustion Engine | |
ICEA | Idaho Clean Energy Association | |
ICL | Idaho Conservation League | |
ICNU | Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities | |
IDWR | Idaho Department of Water Resources | |
IGCC | Integrated gasification combined-cycle (a type of coal plant that separates CO2) | |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory | |
IOU | Investor-owned utility | |
IPC | Idaho Power Company | |
IPP | Independent power producer | |
IPUC | Idaho Public Utilities Commission | |
IRP | Integrated resource plan | |
IRPTAG | Integrated resource plan technical advisory group | |
IRU | Idaho Rivers United | |
ISO | Independent system operator | |
Kilowatt (kW) | One thousand watts | |
Kilowatt hour (kWh) | One thousand watt hours | |
L1 | Level 1 electric vehicle charger. Slowest charging level. | |
L2 | Level 2 electric vehicle charger. | |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories | |
LCP | Least-cost plan or planning | |
LDC | Local distribution company (gas utility) | |
LDV | Light Duty Vehicle | |
LED | Light-emitting diode | |
LEED | Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (U.S. Green Building Code Council certification program) | |
LIHEAP | Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (federal) | |
LIHI | Low Impact Hydropower Institute (certifies qualified hydro projects as low impact) | |
LION | Low-Income Organizing Network | |
LIRA | Low-Income Rate Assistance program | |
LNG | Liquefied natural gas | |
LSE | Load-serving entity (electric utility) | |
LSRD | Lower Snake River dams | |
LWV | League of Women Voters | |
MDU | Montana-Dakota Utilities | |
MDV | Medium Duty Vehicle | |
MEETS | Metered Energy Efficiency Transaction Structure | |
MEIC | Montana Environmental Information Center | |
MMBtu | 1 million British thermal units | |
MOU | Memo of understanding | |
MPSC | Montana Public Service Commission | |
MREA | Montana Renewable Energy Association | |
MSW | Municipal solid waste | |
Muni | Municipality (used in reference to city-run utilities) | |
MW | One million watts; 1000 kW | |
MWa | Megawatt average | |
MWh | One million watt hoursl; 1000 kWh | |
NARUC | National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners | |
NBI | New Buildings Institute | |
NCAT | National Center for Appropriate Technology | |
NE | Non-emitting | |
NEEA | Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | |
NEEC | Northwest Energy Efficiency Council | |
NEPA | National Environtmental Policy Act | |
NERC | North American Electric Reliability Corporation | |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service (now called NOAA Fisheries) | |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | |
NOPR | Notice of proposed rulemaking | |
NPCC | Northwest Power and Conservation Council | |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | |
NRDC | National Resources Defense Council | |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratories | |
NTIB | Necessary to Implement the Budget | |
NWE | NorthWestern Energy | |
NWEC | NW Energy Coalition | |
NWIFC | Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission | |
NWIGU | Northwest Industrial Gas Users | |
NWN | NW Natural | |
NWPCC | Northwest Power and Conservation Council | |
NWPPA | Northwest Public Power Association | |
ODFW | Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife | |
ODOE | Oregon Department of Energy | |
OEC | Oregon Environmental Council | |
OEF | Oregon Energy Fund | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer, commonly used to refer to automobile manufacturers | |
OIC | Opportunities Industrializiation Center (of Washington) | |
OPAL | Organizing People / Activating Leaders (non profit in Oregon) | |
OPUC | Oregon Public Utility Commission | |
OSE | Office of Sustainability and Environment (City of Seattle) | |
OSEIA | Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association | |
PACE | Property Assessed Clean Energy | |
PBR | Performance-Based Regulation or Ratemaking | |
PCEF | Portland Clean Energy Fund | |
PECI | Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. | |
PEIA | Pacific Energy Innovation Association | |
PEV | Plug-in Electric Vehicle | |
PGE | Portland General Electric | |
PGP | Public Generating Pool | |
PHEV | Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle | |
PNUCC | Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee | |
PPA | Power purchase agreement | |
PPC | Public Power Council | |
PSARA | Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action | |
PSCCU | Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union | |
PSE | Puget Sound Energy | |
PSR | Physicians for Social Responsibility | |
PTC | Production Tax Credit | |
PUC | Public utility commission | |
PUD | Public utility district | |
PUHCA | Public Utilities Holding Company Act | |
PURPA | Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 | |
PV | Photovoltaic (solar cell) | |
Q1 / Q2 | Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 | |
QF | Qualifying Facility - an electric generating facility receiving a utility contract under the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) | |
R&D | Research and development | |
RA | Resource Adequacy | |
RAP | Regulatory Assistance Project | |
RBSA | Residential Building Stock Assessment | |
RD&D | Research, development and demonstration | |
RE | Renewable Energy | |
REC | Renewable energy credit | |
RES | Renewable energy standard | |
RFP | Request for proposal | |
RHA | Renewable Hydrogen Alliance | |
RNW | Renewable Northwest | |
ROE | Return on equity | |
ROR | Rate of return | |
RPP | Resource Procurement Plan | |
RPS | Renewable portfolio standard | |
RTO | Regional transmission organization | |
SBC | System benefits charge (also referred to as a public purpose charge) | |
SBCC | State Building Code Council (Wash.) | |
SBUA | Small Business Utility Advocates | |
SC | Sierra Club | |
SCC | Social cost of carbon | |
SCCAP | South Central Community Action Partnership | |
SCGHG | Social cost of greenhouse gas | |
SCL | Seattle City Light | |
SEIA | Solar Energy Industries Association | |
SEICAA | Southeast Idaho Community Action Agency | |
SEPA | State Environmental Policy Act | |
SNAP | Spokane Neighborhood Action Program | |
SO2 | Sulfur dioxide | |
SOS | Save our Wild Salmon | |
SW | Solar Washington | |
SZ | Shift Zero | |
T&D | Transmission and distribution | |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership | |
TE | Transportation Electrification | |
TEP | The Energy Project | |
TOU | Time of Use rates = rates that vary by time of day and day of the week | |
TSO | Transmission system operator | |
UCS | Union of Concerned Scientists | |
USB | Universal system benefits (Mont.) | |
USW | United Steelworkers of America | |
UTC | Utilities and Transportation Commission (Wash.) | |
V2G | Vehicle-to-Grid refers to vehicles capable of receiving power to the onboard battery from the electrical grid and vice-versa. | |
VMT | Vehicle Miles Traveled | |
WAP | Weatherization Assistance Program | |
WASEIA | Washington Solar Energy Industries Association | |
WCGGWI | West Coast Governors’ Global Warming Initiative | |
WEC | Washington Environmental Council | |
WECC | Western Electricity Coordinating Council | |
WPPSS | Washington Public Power Supply System (now called Energy Northwest) | |
WPUDA | Washington Public Utility Districts Association | |
WSCAP | Washington State Community Action Partnership | |
WSU | Washington State University | |
WUTC | Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission | |
WX | Weatherization | |
ZEV | Zero Emission Vehicle | |