Oregon Department of Energy incentive programs sunsetting and moving

The end of the year will see bring a close to three Oregon energy incentive programs include the popular Residential Energy Tax Credit (RETC).  Meanwhile, three other programs will move to other state agencies.  These include two new programs — the Zero Emissions Vehicle Rebate Program, which will be administered by the Department of Environmental Quality, and the Bovine Manure Tax Credit Program, which will be run out of the Department of Agriculture.

Click on the program names for further detail.

Programs Scheduled to Sunset

Residential Energy Tax Credits offer incentives for solar photovoltaic systems, heat pump water heaters, ductless heat pumps, furnaces, and other select energy efficiency devices.  Purchases must be made by December 31, 2017 and be made operational by April 1, 2018.

Conservation and Transportation Energy Tax Credits  Projects can include:

  • Building envelope improvements
  • Renewable thermal projects
  • Combined heat and power
  • Commercial, agricultural, and industrial processes

Applicants who have already applied under a previous open opportunity announcement are eligible for a tax credit. ODOE must receive your final application before the expiration of your preliminary certificate or before the end of your 2017 tax year, whichever comes first. Your preliminary expiration date is listed on your preliminary certificate.​

​Biomass Producer & Collector Tax Credit offers incentives to producers or collectors of Oregon biomass that is used to produce biofuel in the state.

Programs Moving to Other State Agencies

State Home Oil Weatherization Program – SHOW will move to Oregon Housing & Community Services as of January 1, 2018, where it will dovetail with that agency’s work with housing advocates and low-income communities.

Zero Emissions Vehicle Rebate Program (New!) – the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is developing a new program to offer rebates on purchases or leases of electric vehicles that operate with zero emissions.

Bovine Manure Tax Credit Program​ (New!) – the Oregon Department of Agriculture will administer a new program focused on dairies that collect manure that is used to produce biofuel. The program will begin with the 2018 tax year.

Programs That Will Continue at ODOE

 Renewable Energy Development Grants – these grants, which help fund renewable energy generation, will continue until funds are exhausted

The Small-Scale Energy Loan Program

Energy-related services and programs that help Oregon businesses, residents, nonprofits, tribes, and public agencies save energy and generate renewable energy

Energy-related emergency preparedness programs and Hanford cleanup oversight

Energy facility siting and oversight

Energy policy work​ covering everything from electric vehicles to grid modernization to energy storage