Updated “50 States of Grid Modernization” report available
New report summarizes grid modernizations actions and proposals in all 50 states.
The Department of Energy recently concluded that electric system reliability and resiliency are at risk due to the loss of what it calls “baseload” power resources — primarily coal-fired and nuclear. That claim has been largely debunked, but it raises the question of how must the electric system evolve in order to remain reliable and resilient as it transitions to new renewable resources such as wind and solar? This updated report from the NC Clean Energy Technology Center describes how different states are going about it.
The term “grid modernization” refers broadly to efforts to make the electricity system more resilient, responsive, and interactive. This report summarizes legislative and regulatory actions addressing: (1) smart grid and advanced metering infrastructure, (2) utility business model reform, (3) regulatory reform, (4) utility rate reform, (5) energy storage, (6) microgrids, and (7) demand response.
The report’s purpose is to provide state lawmakers and regulators, electric utilities, the advanced energy industry, and other energy stakeholders with timely, accurate, and unbiased updates about how states are choosing to study, adopt, implement, amend, or discontinue policies associated with grid modernization. This report catalogues proposed and enacted legislative, regulatory, and rate design changes affecting grid modernization during the most recent quarter.
See the report