The Energy Activist – Fall 2010
Two days that make the Coalition stronger, wiser and better prepared
From Executive Director Sara Patton: When we’re all calculating our carbon footprints and fretting over budgets, why is it important for us to come to Portland Nov. 12-13 for the Coalition’s NW Clean & Affordable Energy Conference and membership meeting? Short answer: these two days make the Coalition stronger, wiser and better prepared to deliver the clean and affordable energy future we all work for. %CODE1%
Coal in the crossfire
Across the Northwest, plans are afoot to close down coal plants and transition workers and the energy economy towards a greener future. In Oregon, an negotiations continue on the shutdown of the Boardman plant and in Washington, Coalition members, partners and other activists are working to transition the Transalta plant in Centrailia by 2015.
Also in this issue:
Montana rate case features decoupling, inverted block rates
Coalition member groups are butting heads with the state Consumer Counsel and others over rate cases and the viability of new wind development.
%CODE1%In Idaho, biomass and wind projects move forward
The Idaho Public Utilities Commision has greenlit a biomass project that will take sawmill waste and is currently looking at a proposal for an 80MW wind farm.
%CODE1%Member updates:
3TIER has been ranked among the fastest growing companies.
%CODE1%New project spotlights Snake River salmon’s ‘one of a kind’ status
Coalition partner Save Our Wild Salmon has begun the “One of a Kind” project to reveal the astonishing story of endangered Snake River salmon and the race to save them.