Welcome Lynne Dial, the Coalition's new Policy Associate

Please join us in welcoming Lynne Dial to the NW Energy Coalition. Lynne is the new Policy Associate based in the Seattle office. She comes to us from the Energy Efficiency Services group at Puget Sound Energy where she was an energy education facilitator.

Before her work at PSE, Lynne worked with AmeriCorps, the Student Conservation Association, an independent bookstore in Washington, DC and the National Zoo. She’s a graduate of Western Washington University and expects an MBA in Sustainable Business from the Bainbridge Graduate Institute next year.

Lynne will be working on utility integrated resource planning, energy efficiency and renewable resource analysis and advocacy and Washington state energy policy.

Lynne started at the Coalition on January 4. Her contact information:

Lynne Dial
206 621 0094

We are very happy to have her skills, experience and energy on the Coalition team!