Washington state media lends support to energy efficiency
Two major Washington media outlets have come out in support of energy efficiency and Senate/House Bill 1017, which would set standards for electronic device battery chargers.
Put policy before politics with conservation bill
Editorial Board | The Olympian • Published March 27, 2013
A noncontroversial bill that would save Washingtonians more than $60 million by 2018, and is supported by business, utilities and conservationists, will test the claims of bipartisanship in the Republican-controlled state Senate…
Read more here: http://www.theolympian.com
Legislature should pass sensible bill to conserve energy, water
Lance Dickie / Times editorial columnist | The Seattle Times • published March 28, 2013
A smart, practical bill to improve efficiency standards for plumbing products and battery chargers is having trouble getting noticed in the state Senate.
Read more here: http://seattletimes.com