OpEd: A clean energy plan to benefit all Montanans
Affordable and reliable electricity are the backbone of a strong economy. They ensure that Montana families don’t have to choose between buying food and paying the electric bill. Electricity prices are also critical to the success of our state’s businesses and communities. Unfortunately there are a lot of people, many of them from out-of-state, who want you to believe that cleaner energy is not affordable or reliable. That’s hogwash.
As longtime advocates for affordable and reliable electricity, we are excited by the opportunity presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. While it is an important step toward addressing the escalating costs and risks of climate change, it also provides an extraordinary opportunity for Montana to develop its own unique energy plan. Montana’s energy plan can help us respond to market forces and chart our own course for a prudent transition to a future based upon our abundant and affordable clean energy resources.
This op-ed has been published by the Montana Standard. To continue reading this article, please click here.