NWEC Executive Director to speak at Save the Salmon Rally.
NWEC Executive Director Nancy Hirsh will speak this afternoon at 4PM at the Save the Salmon hosted by Coalition member Save our (wild) Salmon to call on the Bonneville Power Administration and other federal agencies to conduct a thorough and fair investigation to determine whether the electricity generated by the lower Snake River dams that inhibit salmon migration can be replaced by other clean, renewable power options.
To learn more, view our Lower Snake River dams fact sheet.
The rally will be held in the 1 Union Square Building. If you would like to attend, use the 6th Avenue entrance next to MOD Pizza at 1302 6th Avenue, Seattle.
Coalition study finds negligible cost for effective salmon recovery action, October 14, 2015
NW Energy Coalition presents “Columbia-Snake River Salmon BiOp” 7/28 11:30 am, July 6, 2016