NEEA’s Jeff Harris Honored as an ACEEE Champion of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Portland, Ore. –The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) announced today that Jeff Harris, director of emerging technology, has been honored for his contributions to energy efficiency by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
The ACEEE Champion of Energy Efficiency in Buildings awards are presented to outstanding leaders involved with the buildings sector, based on leadership and accomplishment in the energy efficiency field. Winners are selected based on demonstrated excellence in program implementation, leadership, research and development, energy policy, and private sector initiatives.
“Jeff’s 25-year career in energy efficiency has dramatically influenced the way homes are built, products are manufactured, buildings are maintained and industries are operated throughout the Northwest,” said Steve Nadel, executive director of ACEEE.
Jeff has been a leading advocate for building operation efficiency and commissioning, helping found the Northwest Building Commissioning Collaborative, an organization that was a forerunner to the International Building Commissioning Association. He also helped found and is on the Board of Directors of the New Buildings Institute (NBI), a non-profit organization that supports emerging technologies and improved codes and standards for commercial buildings. Other contributions include bringing numerous emerging technologies to market, pioneering regional energy efficiency initiatives, evaluation methods, and driving upgrades to codes and standards.
“We’re honored to have Jeff as part of our leadership team at NEEA,” said Susan E. Stratton, NEEA’s executive director. “His passion and energy inspire everyone that he works with, and he has truly helped shape how the Northwest thinks about energy efficiency. His influence goes beyond the Northwest as a key nationally respected thought-leader on efficiency and new technology.”
ACEEE’s Board of Directors Awards Committee conferred four awards at the 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings held in Pacific Grove, California, on August 14.
To read the ACEEE press release please click here.
For Jeff Harris’s bio please click here.