Clean Air Rule: Schedule for Ecology Public Hearing Process

The Washington Ecology Department has released the revised draft of its Clean Air Rule, which aims to lower some of Washington’s carbon emissions 30% by 2035.

More info is available here.

As with the first draft, the revised draft uses a “baseline and credit” system under which covered entities (power plants, petroleum refineries, natural gas distributors, manufacturers, etc.) will see their allowed emissions decline by 1.7% annually from a historical baseline. These entities will be required to generate or purchase emissions reduction units (ERUs) to bring their facilities in line with the mandated reduction path. A variety of activities can generate ERUs, including direct emission reductions, offsets, emission allowances purchased on external markets, plus energy efficiency programs or renewable energy credits (RECs) over and above existing I-937 requirements. The accompanying cost-benefit analysis suggests that RECs may be the lowest cost compliance option for many covered entities. The power sector is proposed to be regulated under the Clean Air Rule until the Federal Clean Power Plan is operational (and certain additional conditions are met).

There are multiple opportunities in the coming weeks to participate, learn more and comment on the rule. Ecology’s schedule is summarized below.

June 23rd, 10am: Informational webinar (register)

July 7th, 6pm: Webinar hearing (register)

July 12th, 6pm: In-person hearing, Spokane
The Davenport Grand Hotel
333 W. Spokane Falls Blvd
Spokane, WA 99201

July 14th, 6pm: In-person hearing, Olympia
The Red Lion Hotel
2300 Evergreen Park Dr SW
Olympia, WA 98502

July 15th, 10am: Webinar hearing (register)

July 22nd: Public comments due (web portal)

More info available on Ecology’s public involvement page.

In addition, we expect to schedule a Washington caucus conversation about the rule shortly. Feel free to contact NW Energy Coalition Senior policy associate JJ McCoy if you have any comments, observations, or questions.

You can read the NW Energy Coalition statement on Department of Ecology’s new draft Clean Air Rule by clicking here.