Bob Jenks OpEd in Statesman Journal: "Transition from coal is best for Oregon’s energy future"
“As the executive director of the Citizens’ Utility Board of Oregon (CUB), Oregon’s utility ratepayer advocate for 30 years, I am pleased to have negotiated with a coalition of utilities and clean energy advocates to craft proposed House Bill 4036 or The Clean Energy and Transition from Coal Bill.
In a nutshell, this bill expands on 2007 legislation (known as the Renewable Portfolio Standard, or RPS) to eliminate coal-fired electric generation from Oregon’s electricity mix by 2035 and increase renewable energy to 50 percent by 2040.
Let me tell you why this bill is good for Oregon.”
To read the full version of this article, please visit the Statesman Journal.
Additional Media:
Clearing Up Issue 1730: “Ambitious Energy Agenda Faces Oregon Legislature in Short Session”